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Now There's War, Within Us, We Shall Win Together

5 posters

    friendly spar between two friends

    Yuna Ichimaru
    Yuna Ichimaru
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 2 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Yuna Ichimaru Sat Dec 19, 2009 4:57 am

    Yuna could block all the hits so far, but the round-house kick to her stomach send her sliding back on her side, the wound on her arm re-opening slightly. Wincing, Yuna stood straight and held her sword tight. "time for me to end this~." Yuna sings, pointing the tip of her sword down and plundging her sword into the ground, sending electric currents from her sword torwards ichi.
    Ichisake izumi
    Ichisake izumi
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 2 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Ichisake izumi Mon Dec 21, 2009 3:43 am

    Ichisake's eyes widen then go back to normal,she pulled out her sword then said in a strong clear voice,"Storm over the blazing Heavens relámpago!"a blast of wind and snow suddenly burst around her as her sword then morphed into a sliver-blue snowflake-like blade,all around the beautiful weapon was the tips of the snowflakes, was actually a 1 in a half foot blade, the weapon glowed with the electric current that always surrounded it, she held up her blade, then she tossed it Frisbee style into the electrical current that Yuna created, deflecting the electrical current that blasted towards her, but unfortunately as the weapon made impact with the current, it shot her backwards into a tree. Ichisake quickly got to her feet, jumped up and caught her blade in mid-air. She landed back on the ground and gazed at her friend as she wiped the blood that came from her cracked lip. She grinned,"very impressive Yuna." she then paused to wipe away more blood that came from her lip, then she raised her blade,"Storm over the Blazing Heavens relámpago!" as she yelled this, thunder boomed in the distance, then lighting came hurtling from the sky, then hit her blade, the weapon glowed a brilliant blue,"think fast!" she warned teasingly then shot the lightning out of the blade, shooting straight at Yuna.
    Yuna Ichimaru
    Yuna Ichimaru
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 2 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Yuna Ichimaru Tue Dec 22, 2009 4:18 am

    Yuna sucked in a breath. 'okay, lightning against lightning' She though to herself as she scanned over ichisake's stance, looking for weak points. then, gasping as lightning shot torwards her, she scrambled for a plan then suddenly grabbed her sword, sliding back a few meters to plunge her sword into the ground again, determined to win this fight against Ichi. " Light the sky Chouwa no tomoshibi!" a circle of light seems to draw a circle around Yuna on the ground, before the ground around the circle seemingly being electricuted, a mixture of spiritual energy and lightning shooting torwards Ichi's attack. Some of the leaves on tree's around them blew away or burned to a crisp at all the heat and lightning. Yuna barely ever used this attack so she was fairly a beginner at this. She had no clue what would happen next.
    Ichisake izumi
    Ichisake izumi
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 2 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Ichisake izumi Wed Dec 23, 2009 10:27 pm

    Ichisake's eyes widened and she raised her blade, as the blade absorbed the electrical impact it sent ichisake once again flying back into a tree,"damn...mother nature's bitching on me.." she muttered as she got back up, she had a gash on her arm and her lip wound started bleeding again, Ichisake raised her blade at Yuna,"Storm over the Blazing Heavans relámpago" a whirlwind appeared under yuna.
    Yuna Ichimaru
    Yuna Ichimaru
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 2 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Yuna Ichimaru Thu Dec 24, 2009 12:02 am

    The whirl wind threw Yuna back. Her body barely dodged a couple trees before sliding into one, causing scrapes to apeer on both her legs from the sticks and braches she hit. Jumping up onto a tree branch, Yuna flipped back down onto the clearing, retreiving her sword from the ground and running torwards ichisake, swinging her sword down on ichi's sword.
    Ichisake izumi
    Ichisake izumi
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 2 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Ichisake izumi Thu Dec 24, 2009 11:43 pm

    Ichisake smiled,"now Yuna...think carefully now," as their blades connected Ichisake grinned and yelled,"Storm over the Blazing Heavens relámpago!" as the words left her lips, another strike of lightning hit her blade causing a strong electrical current to run through from her blade to Yuna's, though she made sure that the current was strong enough to only bring Yuna down on her knees,after all, she didn't want to kill her friend.Ichisake stopped smiling and slightly winced for she knew that her friend would be in pain...but the pain would be bearable at the moment. or so she hoped.....
    Yuna Ichimaru
    Yuna Ichimaru
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 2 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Yuna Ichimaru Thu Dec 24, 2009 11:55 pm

    Yuna gasped as electricity hit her hands, then shot down her body. Yuna jumped away from Ichi, dropping her sword on the ground and landing on her knees, cringing in pain. She bit her tounge, wincing at the pain of the attack. 'I knew I should've thought that out' she cursed herself, shakedly standing. Her arms and legs trembled slightly when retrieving her sword. "Looks like iv'e been underestimating you... Ichisake..." Spoke Yuna, panting. "But this isn't over yet..." With that being Said, Yuna flash stepped behind Ichisake and brung her foot up to kick Ichisake's feet out from under her and bringing her electrified sword down on the hand that Ichisake was using to hold her own sword.
    Ichisake izumi
    Ichisake izumi
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 2 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Ichisake izumi Fri Dec 25, 2009 12:58 am

    Ichisake's eyes flickered, showing a bit of worry as her friend dropped to her knees but as she got up the sadness disappeared as quickly as it came,Ichisake jumped over her friends leg but as she did this Yuna's sword nicked her wrist sending a small electric pulse to run through her wrist. Ichisake gasped a bit and grasped her hand,she picked her blade, then gazed at her friend grinning once again."Very Good Yuna, i see that you have improved but can you dodge this?" Ichisake flas-stepped behind yuna, and swiftly kicked Yuna in the back, then with her blade, knocked hers on the ground,then jumped up 10 feet n the air and yelled,"Storm over the Blazing Heavens relámpago!" then 10 ice spears appeared and then with the flick of her blade, she sent the ice spears flying at Yuna,ichisake made sure that the 10 spears pinned Yuna's robe to the ground and that none pierced her flesh. But After pinning Yuna to the ground, Ichsake then landed back on the ground next to her friend, then with one swift movement, she kicked Yuna into a tree.
    Yuna Ichimaru
    Yuna Ichimaru
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 2 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Yuna Ichimaru Fri Dec 25, 2009 2:36 am

    ((*GASP* you god-modded me!! you cant say that my Kimono got pinned down by the icicles. you have to give me a chance to either block,dodge,reflect or get hit!!!)))
    Ichisake izumi
    Ichisake izumi
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 2 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Ichisake izumi Fri Dec 25, 2009 10:09 pm

    (hmm?.........oh wait i see....but its not what u think.i didnt mean u got pinned see i just simply wrote what COULD happen if u didnt dodge sorry if i made it seem that u were pinned)
    Yuna Ichimaru
    Yuna Ichimaru
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    Post  Yuna Ichimaru Fri Dec 25, 2009 10:36 pm

    ((kayz thankies for explaining.))

    Yuna quickly rolled over when Ichi thre the icicles down, dodging both the ice and ichi. Yuna jumped up and leaned her body slightly to the left, dodginhg ichi's kick and grabbing onto her leg. Yuna twisted it enough to almost trip ichi, then Yuna yanked Ichi forward and flash stepped behind her, relaxing into a fighting stance.
    Ichisake izumi
    Ichisake izumi
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 2 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Ichisake izumi Sat Dec 26, 2009 5:26 am

    Ichisake gasped a bit in surprise as her leg twisted then as she was about to fal forward she did a one hand kartwheel and landed back on both feet, then she quickly turned around in a fighting position, clutching her blade tightly. She smiled,and with her captain's robe, she tied her blade to her back tightly, still in its released state...just incase she had to use her Banki, which she hoped she would't have to do until much later in the battle. She flexed her fingers and wrists and then flash stepped behind Yuna then raised her palm and pressed it against Yuna's back while saying quickly,"Bakudo #9 Geki!"
    Yuna Ichimaru
    Yuna Ichimaru
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 2 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Yuna Ichimaru Sun Dec 27, 2009 6:27 am

    Yuna gasped, dropping her sword at the sudden paralyzation.
    (thats what bakudo #9 is right? a paralyptic?)
    She could still see, she just couldn't move her body. "Ichi...sake..." Yuna managed to speak through clenched teeth.
    Ichisake izumi
    Ichisake izumi
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 2 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Ichisake izumi Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:39 am


    Ichisake hesitated for an instant then she flipped over her friend, as she did this, with one hand, she grasped Yuna's shoulder and as her feet touched the ground, she hoisted Yuna with one hand into the air and then slammed her down hard on the ground.Ichisake got in a fighting position
    Yuna Ichimaru
    Yuna Ichimaru
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 2 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Yuna Ichimaru Fri Jan 08, 2010 12:16 am

    Yuna landed on her back, but quickly jack-knifed up, brushing off the pain and letting out a sigh as she swung her foot up, aiming for ichisake's stomach and clanching her fists, ready to block or inflict another attack. Yuna couldn't tell if the fight was nearing it's end or mearly beginning, so she braced herself, analizing the situation.
    Ichisake izumi
    Ichisake izumi
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 2 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Ichisake izumi Sun Jan 10, 2010 11:55 pm

    Ichisake caught her foot and threw it down, then she grinned and re sheathed her blade then she flash stepped, flipped in the air, and turned into a beautiful silver wolf with ruby red eyes.she landed gracefully back on the ground and arched into a pouncing position, ready to strike at any moment....Suddenly, she flash stepped once more and pounced from behind, her teeth bared.
    Yuna Ichimaru
    Yuna Ichimaru
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 2 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Yuna Ichimaru Tue Jan 12, 2010 2:13 am

    Yuna was taken aback at the sudden transformation but she didn't let that stop her. When Ichisake's new form came at her from behind, Yuna twisted her body around and let her feet slide apart, making her body form into the splits and effictiantly dodging Ichisake's attack. "You can change into a wolf, huh?" Yuna asked, putting her hand palm down on the ground and doing a hand-stand, flipping herself onto the ground with her hand clutching the hilt of her blade.
    Ichisake izumi
    Ichisake izumi
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    Post  Ichisake izumi Wed Jan 13, 2010 2:41 am

    Ichisake slide on the opposite side off Yuna, as if to answer her question, which she intended, she dipped her head once. Her ruby red eyes friendly and teasing. She then flash stepped and ran up a tree, then quickly pushed off it with her paws then flipped over Yuna's head and with a teasing look in her eyes, she pushed Yuna back with her back paws as if kicking Yuna as she would in human form.
    Kazuma Hinamori
    Kazuma Hinamori
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 2 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Kazuma Hinamori Sat Jan 23, 2010 12:37 am

    Opening his grey eyes and batting them shut again, the Lord High King of ?Rouges sat there. Drinking his cup of tea. Savoring its wonderful flavor in his thoughts. It was a tasteful tea to drink. As he sipped at the hot liquid. Until teeming it down to nothing more than liquid entering his stomach. A beautiful scent arising from the china glass he held. Again he opened his eyes.

    The King of Rouges, unlikely appearing to be eight years old. Ignored the Shinigami for a long while. Until he noticed an old Colleague, Ichisake.
    He did not yet know the last name of her, but he knew the second one, Yuna Ichimaru, the famous spouse of Gin. What a fool he was. Leaving his woman alone in this terrible world. Apparently that mistake would leave him sleeping alone tonight.

    The King of Rouges wore his rather old and tattered Captain shinigami uniform. The sign of the eleventh division on the back of the captains jacket, although he had sewn into it, "No longer" in japanese characters.

    This, rouge this man, whose name was not known to anyone but himself. And Ichisake. But she hadn't told his glorious sister. Kiniko Hinamori. That he was the last of the famous clan they resided in.

    The fight had seemed to get a little rough. He leaped from the small hill he sat on a few hundred yards away and shunpo'd his way towards the two. His small zanpokto, taking up the form of a Tantou, the sheath a royal blue and the handle strapped with fine leather.

    As he arrived, he stopped right behind Yuna and Ichisake. Seemingly emotionless in nature. He had decided he would not say a single word to them.
    He unsheathed his zanpokto and stood there. While under his breath releasing it into shikai. The Apple, Cherry, and Lilly petals floating gently around him. A childish grin spread, as the beautiful colors danced around him.
    Gin Ichimaru
    Gin Ichimaru
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    Post  Gin Ichimaru Sat Jan 23, 2010 2:01 am

    "Well this just wont due!" said Gin wwhile leaning on the shed holding the gardening tools.

    "Now why is it a person like you would want to cause conflict with these wemon, a captin and my wife?" said Gin . Gin grinned with his icey cold smile and stared at the man.

    I know exactly whom this character is. He is obviously a rouge. This will not happen, not to these young ladys.

    Gin got up from leaning and started at the man still smiling.

    "I like those colors of yours, they make me want to kill you" Said Gin.
    Kazuma Hinamori
    Kazuma Hinamori
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    Post  Kazuma Hinamori Sat Jan 23, 2010 6:32 pm

    Not saying a word, The King of Rouges looked back at the man, noticing it was only but Gin Ichimaru himself, captain of the third Division. This was annoying. He had to face a couple and another captain. perfect, what a way to get his reputation going. He turned to Gin, and used his binding tree death technique.

    A large tree according to an illusion would form behind Gin, then bind it in his branches. The Rouge then came out of the tree trunk, and struck with his zanpokto. A childish smile accross his face.
    Ichisake izumi
    Ichisake izumi
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 2 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Ichisake izumi Sat Jan 23, 2010 8:38 pm

    Ichisake's wolf eyes widened as she sensed a strong yet familiar presence ,then she suddenly flipped back in the air and landed back in her human form,landing gracefully back on the ground in her shinigami clothing and her captains robe. She gasped as she saw an old acquaintance," that you?" she noticed that Gin returned as well,"Gin what's going on here?" she stood near Yuna defensively as she knew that whatever Kazuma was here for it wasn't good."Yuna get ready..." she whispered to her friend, and then slowly turns towards Kazuma."What's your business here?" she demanded.She placed her hand on her sword that was strapped to her back."If you've come to harm my friend Yuna or anyone else, then you've come here for nothing because there is no way in heaven or hell that i will allow such a thing." She stated in a strong voice as if she was swearing an oath.She stood in front of Yuna and waited for Kazuma to say something.
    Gin Ichimaru
    Gin Ichimaru
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    Post  Gin Ichimaru Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:54 pm

    Gin felt the tree scraping agenst his back so he jumped. When the rouge came from beneth the depths of the tree to strike Gin. Gin tryed to get away but he got cut in his arm. Gin landed on the ground. " Well to fill you in, this is Kazuma. He is a relitive of Kiniko. He has became a rouge. A verydark person. Well, the main reason he is here is because he has a thirst for blood and has decided to kill you two young wemon. I showed up because he did a crudy job supresing his spiritual presseure. Now he we are fighting this basterd." Said Gin while he smiled at Kazuma.

    " Did that sum it all up for ya' Kazuma?" said Gin stile smiling with his coled icye smile.
    Kazuma Hinamori
    Kazuma Hinamori
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    Post  Kazuma Hinamori Sat Jan 23, 2010 10:18 pm

    The King of Rouges identity had been revealed. interested that Gin even could guess what his name was. With a grunt of laughter he nodded, and flash stepped behind yuna, pressing his zanpokto to her neck. Slowly he began to say, in the darkest tone anyone could've ever heard. he said, "You someone to abduct..."
    Pressing her closer to him and smelling her hair greedily. And looking up and smiling at Gin, determined to make him attack out of anger that he was touching his spouse in any way other than a handshake. Then sliding his hands up and down her sides. Creating an illusion only for her in his small mind. Small child, large ambitions.

    The King of Rouges cared not. The Illusion was going to be a master piece. His zanpokto acheing to release it, but the king of Rouges kept its mouth shut, still making it so perfect. That only one would understand this illusionary world he was about to trap the helpless girl in to be his slave.....and ransom.

    While sliding his hands down Yuna's side, he pointed a finger at her husband, and whispered in her ear, so that she would be despaired by the fact that her husband would perish in front of her, and making his inger unnoticeable, he said very quietly and darkly, "Hado #4, Byakurai".

    Alas, the bolt of lightning shot out. Making a good distraction for those to stay away from the world he was to shut yuna in. Her mind, his slave.

    He released the Illusion, and it engulfed Yuna into it, she falling to the ground instantly, what she hadn't known, was the fact that he used a bakido in order to stay put, as a matter of fact, it was Geki, though he used the smallest spiritual pressure. This Illusion this master piece. Had shut Yuna into the depths of her mind. And Kazuma did something rather forbidden in his own Clan, the Hinamori Clan. And using spirit pressure, engraved a Lilly blossom into her palm. So that he could use her as his slave in her mind. He would be there when she ate, drank and slept. Always.

    Gin Ichimaru
    Gin Ichimaru
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    Post  Gin Ichimaru Sat Jan 23, 2010 11:35 pm

    "Hmp, you can take her. Unforchantly I know more about you then you belive KING OF ROUGES. Hahahaha your a striaght illisionist. You may put my wife in pain, but im in a to happy mood to strike out of anger. Shinsu would lose all respect if i draw him selfeshly. So, coe on Kazuma, I Know you remember me. How eles did i know about you. Where do you thik you got that icye smile of yours? Im very impressed by the fact that you cut fr the first time in 65 years of being a captin. Now how about you show me what eles you learned besides what i have tought you?" Said Gin while e makes no attempt to save Yuna.

    Well she dosnt deserve my help anyways. Aspecialy about the insadeny erlier. Thought Gin as he had a horrioble flashback on the fight.

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