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Now There's War, Within Us, We Shall Win Together

5 posters

    friendly spar between two friends

    Yuna Ichimaru
    Yuna Ichimaru
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 3 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Yuna Ichimaru Sun Jan 24, 2010 2:02 am

    ((oh man, i'm screwed... considering no one seems to be helping x_x i see how loved i am here guys, gawd. ))

    Yuna gasped when she felt the strangers hands on her body and the blade against her neck. 'Helpless' was the only thought that could describe what she was feeling now. She peered over at Gin, then at Ishisake. But then, Yuna gasped, seeing lightning. 'w-what?!'... Yuna saw a very much dead Gin. "G-...Gin?!" She shrieked. 'this can't be real! this kazuma kid- he couldn't of-... n-no!...' Yuna screamed inside her mind. Dropping to her knees, Yuna stared wide-eyed at he ground, tears stinging in her eyes, both of anger and of sorrow. 'i-... why arn't i doing somthing?! i should be attacking this kazuma kid!...' Yuna thought.
    Ichisake izumi
    Ichisake izumi
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 3 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Ichisake izumi Sun Jan 24, 2010 6:08 am

    (have no fear Yuna....back up has arrived lol)

    Ichisake snarled in fury as Kazuma did such a thing to Yuna, she flash stepped, grabbed Yuna from him, and flash stepped her to a tree, she took a fighting stance in front of her,while clutching her arm.she seethed,"don' DARE touch her like that! have you no shame? long as i still live and breathe you will never lay another finger on her AGAIN! only Gin can lay a hand on her...him and no one else unless she wishes differently! do i make myself clear?" as she spits this, her spiritual pressure increases dangerously high.
    she clutched her sword tightly.While desperately trying to convince Yuna that whatever she saw was not real.

    ((Gin how dare you call yourself yuna's husband... yuna we'll all understand if you ask for a divorce after this lol)
    Yuna Ichimaru
    Yuna Ichimaru
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 3 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Yuna Ichimaru Sun Jan 24, 2010 8:49 pm

    ((Lol THANK YOU ichisake!))

    Yuna shivered, clutching the bark of the tree. " I didn't even do anything about it..." She whimpered, looking down. 'I'm weak... why the hell am I so weak?!' Yuna cursed herself, biting down on her lip, trying to rid her mind of the picture of her dead husband. 'get up, fight dammit!' Yuna silently yelled at herself. 'Gin... he's dead..' Yuna winced, thinking this. Her hands where starting to get scratched from the bark of the tree, droplets of blood dripping down from the force of which she was clutching the tree.
    Kazuma Hinamori
    Kazuma Hinamori
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 3 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Kazuma Hinamori Mon Jan 25, 2010 1:19 am

    ((OOC: Yuna has only escaped the illusion physically, not mentally. Hence she is still in it. Sorry, please edit ze

    The king of rouges watched as the woman helplessly dragged her friend to a tree. Though she was still in the illusion. Her mind was now his. Until he was disposed of or stopped the illusion.

    The King of Rouges approached in the illusion, showing her dead husband to her.
    "Do you see what happened? He fell to such a simple disappointing."
    He said in a very dark tone. Though those on the outside of yuna's mind had no clue what he was doing. The King of Rouges seemed to be rather large for his appearing age, around five foot eleven inches.
    He began to glided his hands up and down her sides, his voice speaking harsh, but his hands very gentle in nature.
    "Can you not see...what rules have done to your husband?"
    Yuna Ichimaru
    Yuna Ichimaru
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 3 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Yuna Ichimaru Mon Jan 25, 2010 2:12 am

    ((who me? if so- I know yuna is still trapped in her mind. she isn't aware of the fact that ichisake moved her from her place. she's still trapped in the illusion.))

    "N-no... how-... Why?-.." Yuna managed to choke out, shivering from the strange, unfamiler feeling of Kazuma's touch. "Stop this..." Yuna growled, biting her lip and pushing his hands away. Yuna was trying her best not to look at Gin, if she did for one second she would loose herself in sorrow. "bastard!" Yuna's hand immediantly shot up, aiming to punch Kazuma in the jaw.
    Ichisake izumi
    Ichisake izumi
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 3 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Ichisake izumi Mon Jan 25, 2010 4:48 am

    Ichisake pulled Yuna back ,turned towards Kazuma and yelled"Scattered Bones of beasts, spire, vermillion crystal, Steel wheel, If ‘tis moving its wind, If ‘tis still its sky, the tone of clanging spears fills the empty castle! Hado 88 hiryugeki zoku shinten raiho!" AS the powerful laser like attack shot towards Kazuma, she flash stepped Yuna 20 feet back, then said to her friend."Yuna...please listen....what you see is all just an illusion..." she said pleadingly,clutching Yuna to keep her from harming herself."Gin isn't dead!....he's lying to you! you hear me?" she then turned towards Kazuma, then back at Yuna,"Yuna....let me take care of him...its not that you are weak..its because of your condition...i'll protect you from physical harm...i..i'm sorry i cant make the illusions go away..." she whispered to her friend, Then She turned to Kazuma...with pure hate in her eyes."i will make you pay for what you did." She made a fighting stance in front of Yuna. She smirked and waved Kazuma forward "c'mon...lets see what you've got!" she challenged.
    Kazuma Hinamori
    Kazuma Hinamori
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 3 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Kazuma Hinamori Mon Jan 25, 2010 5:07 am

    The King of Rouges watched as the lazer attacked him, then he activated one of his techniques, the kido merely hit a bunch of apple blossom petals, and was destroyed, while kazuma appeared not too far from the kido, but far enough to be a safe distance from it.

    The King of Rouges looked upon his former colleague in pity. How could she possibly understand anything about him. Or the illusion. It was pure art. And the forbidden marking allowed him to appear in yunas mind and create illusions whenever he wanted.

    He made an Illusion in order to make Yuna see her worst memories. And then in between each memory he showed Yuna her dead husband.

    At the challenge Ichisake proposed, he grunted with laughter, she had no clue that there was flower petals all around her. Under his breath, he activated his binding tree death technique.

    Technique used:
    Name: Binding Tree death
    Effect: The opponent will see a large tree appear behind them and bind them in their arms, trapping them completely. Kazuma then appears out of the tree and stabs the opponent.

    ((OOC: sorry short, i gtg to bed))
    Ichisake izumi
    Ichisake izumi
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 3 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Ichisake izumi Mon Jan 25, 2010 5:33 am

    Ichisake flash stepped out of the way, but her arm had a gash in it, in anger she quickly released her Zanpackuto and shot three lightning bolts at the tree frying it to a crisp,then she held her breath to prevent herself from going insane, and then quickly swung her blade,summoning a strong electric wave made up of lightning bolts,she then swung it at Kazuma. While shooting 10 ice spears from behind,then she slammed her blade into the ground making a whirlwind underneath him.
    Kazuma Hinamori
    Kazuma Hinamori
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 3 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Kazuma Hinamori Mon Jan 25, 2010 1:56 pm

    As she dodged the tree and forced him a good distance away. He watched as she threw a bunch of crap at her. How weak. Seeing the wave was above ground as well as the icicles, he merely lay down at the last second. The heat barely touching him.
    He got up, completely calm, 'A warrior who fights in anger is merely a dead man'. This made perfect sense to The King. Of course. He had to counter that. It seemed that she was more of a long range fighter. He could possibly take that entire ability away with one word. But he wouldnt let it slip from his lips now. As in Yuna's Illusion, he was busy.

    In the Illusion, The King of Rouges tempted Yuna with sadness, showing her how weak her dead husband was. He marely pointed out why she should leave the seretei. And live a life without rules.

    ((Sorry, super short, i need more time to make these awesome posts. Damn School))
    Yuna Ichimaru
    Yuna Ichimaru
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 3 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Yuna Ichimaru Tue Jan 26, 2010 12:09 am

    While Yuna's mind was still trapped in the illusion, tears escaped her closed eyes, sliding down her pale face. 'No... this-... this can't be real...' Yuna tried telling herself this, staring up at Kazuma with hateful eyes. She'd seen alot because of the illusion. But still, she couldn't decide wether it was real or not, her emotions were interfearing with her mind in these illusions, making it hard to concentrate. "You-... No-... This isn't real..." Yuna tried convincing herself, trying her best to block out Kazuma's poisoness words.

    ((School would be alright if it wasn't for homework. Which by the way I refuse to do at the moment.... Oh damn, I wish my homework was asexual, then it would do itself. yay, looks like i learned somthing in science.))
    Gin Ichimaru
    Gin Ichimaru
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 3 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Gin Ichimaru Tue Jan 26, 2010 12:58 am

    As Gin watched Yuna suffer while he could do nothing, he got a little fed up with this.

    "Hpm, Kazuma, you are going to make me draw my sword for the first time in 50 years, so lets see if you survive." Said Gin.

    Gin pulled out his tiny sword and pointed it at Kazuma. "Hmp, Shinsu forgive me with striking with anger, I can't watch Yuna suffer. If you please let me try to kill him...agian. SHOOT HIM DEAD SHINSU!"

    Gin blade rushes across the battle feild and strikes Kazum in the left shoulder enough to puncture him and bring him to the ground. Gin draws back Shinsu, and puts him to his side.
    Kazuma Hinamori
    Kazuma Hinamori
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 3 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Kazuma Hinamori Wed Jan 27, 2010 3:49 am

    The King of Rouges leaped out of the way of the blade extending towards him, however he was nicked in the shoulder, though it didnt cause any real damage. He perfromed his bindin tree death technique again on him.

    ((OOC: you cannot dodge illusions...i let you go free last time))
    Gin Ichimaru
    Gin Ichimaru
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 3 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Gin Ichimaru Wed Jan 27, 2010 4:01 am


    Gin got caut by his illousion..... Staring Gin leind agenst the shed and looked at the ground. "Damit Kazuma! You got me agian! Shit...I know what to do.......I got to..." Said Gin.

    Gin closed his eyes and focesed where the tree caught him in his mind. Gin new if he focesed his spirit energy on it he could break the seal..... so Gin searches.

    Gin found it. He dd what he had to do and fellto the ground and was out of the illusion he foceses on his mental condition.

    Ichisake is our only hope.
    Kiniko Hinamori
    Kiniko Hinamori
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 3 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Kiniko Hinamori Wed Jan 27, 2010 4:18 am

    Kiniko sensed a familar spirtual pressure mixed with the scent of lillys in the air this could only mean one thing, Kazuma. Kiniko smiled her eyes went from a light green to a light blue. Even though he had recently become a rouge kiniko's affection for her younger brother didn't diminish. Kiniko stood up and ran to the source of the familar sent of lilly. "Kazu..." Kiniko stopped mid sentance when she saw the fight going on between her friends and her brother.

    Kiniko's eyes went from the light blue to a light red, Kiniko herself ran directly into kazuma's illusion and grabbed kazuma from behind. "Being a bad boy kazuma? tsk tsk" . Kiniko grabbed yuna and gin attempting to release them from the illusion before she noticed the lilly on yuna's palm "Break!" kiniko said and the illusion disapeared she turned to kazuma "You know its forbbiden to do this" Kiniko yelled holding up yuna's hand. at that point kiniko's affection for kazuma dimmed ever so slightly that kiniko barely noticed herself."Kazuma why?" kiniko said in a saddened tone her eyes turning a briallaint green.
    Gin Ichimaru
    Gin Ichimaru
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 3 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Gin Ichimaru Wed Jan 27, 2010 5:22 am

    Gin got really mad at this point that he had to be saved from an 8 year old....his own student.

    Gin got up and pulled out Shinsu then he saw the second division captin...Kiniko. Gin got worried as he saw her behind Kazuma. Kiniko looked more sad than ever. He new that kiniko would kill me if she saw me use Shinsu in a matter like this. Gin put away Shinsu hopeing she didnt see it pulled out.

    Gin walked up in front of Kazuma.

    "Nice illusion, havent been minipulated seince you first learned it from Kiniko. But why. Why did you become a rouge. Not any ordinary rouge...but you killed the old King f Rouges just to be in charge. Kazuma... I was going to give you that captins position i swear...but you got angry with me. What did I do wrong. Sorry you have to hear this Kiniko, but...Kazuma left because of me."

    Gin looked at Kiniko....hopeing no crap will come out of what he has spoken of.
    Kazuma Hinamori
    Kazuma Hinamori
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 3 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Kazuma Hinamori Wed Jan 27, 2010 11:37 pm

    As he felt a rather interesting spiritual pressure, it wa much larger than anyone he could curently see.
    The King of Rouges looked in his illusion, and saw his sister, kiniko, break all five pillars of the illusion. He shivered in disbelief. And when kiniko said what she said, he took it as a taunt. He smirked. yet, he could almost feel a tear of happiness well inside his eye. But he showed no affection. And he twiddled with his zanpokto's blade, almost cutting himself.

    He didn't know what to say about the forbidden technique he used on yuna. He smirked evilly. "My dear sister, you know why, as do you Gin why I left the seretei, and out that mark on her hand. So i can twist her to my dear will. But sadly, the reason why i left....was because i was not satisfied. I felt th evil inside me, and my hollow, he speaks to me, even now. Sorry sister, but returning to the seretei would be impossible. And now its my time to leave. And fade back into the petals of oblivion." With that, he fell backwards, but right before he hit the ground, he faded into lilly petals, apple blossom as well as cherry blossom. Flying pass and swirling around them, he muttered, "Bankai". And another flower joined, a flower that produced the deadly drug of opium. the poppie. Their fate was sealed inside their own mind as the hillucination drug swirled around everyone.
    "I'm sorry....Kiniko...." he whispered sadly into her ear.
    Ichisake izumi
    Ichisake izumi
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 3 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Ichisake izumi Wed Jan 27, 2010 11:42 pm

    Ichisake watched in vain as Gin and Yuna suffered,Then all of a sudden,Kiniko showed up and Kazuma was about to attack her! Ichisake trembled in anger but she still held her breath,her spiritual energy raised.Electricity erupted around her,Suddenly,She flash stepped and then she grabbed Kiniko,Gin,and Yuna and shifted them 20 yards away. She stood in front of them protectively. waiting for Kazuma to make his move.
    Yuna Ichimaru
    Yuna Ichimaru
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 3 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Yuna Ichimaru Wed Jan 27, 2010 11:46 pm

    Yuna gasped, feeling her arm being yanked up. "wha-?!" Her head snapped up, looking to see Kiniko grasping her wrist. Only then was when Yuna noticed the tattoo-like flower on her palm. Yuna looked around, eyes wide. She sighed in releif when she saw Gin, alive and well. Slipping her hand away from Kiniko's grip, and standing, Yuna's eyes widened as the small boy fade into petals. When petals started floating around, she noticed somthing wasn't right. "Guys... We need.. to get out of here, quick!" Recognizing the dangerouse bankai, Yuna covered her nose and mouth, holding her breath.
    Ichisake izumi
    Ichisake izumi
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 3 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Ichisake izumi Thu Jan 28, 2010 12:51 am

    Ichisake Grasped Yuna,"thank and Gin have to get out of here....Kiniko and i will hold him off." she told Yuna quickly then she held her breath again before the illusions could take over her mind. She stood near Kiniko and then made a shield of electricity around Yuna and Gin,"Yuna, i'll give you some physical get Gin out of here." she said again just as quickly as before. taking a fighting stance in front of them.
    Gin Ichimaru
    Gin Ichimaru
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 3 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Gin Ichimaru Thu Jan 28, 2010 3:01 am

    " can still stay. You could stay....i was an arrancar....but i have come back asking for forgivness. I had to start over agian. So can you....please Kazuma." said Gin.
    Kiniko Hinamori
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    Post  Kiniko Hinamori Thu Jan 28, 2010 3:16 am

    "Ahhh you know im not easily affected by illusions" Kiniko said snapping the neck of the kazuma infront of her, watching him turn into flower petals kiniko stood up and unsheathed her blade running towards gin she saw around forty of gin. Kiniko looked around he is getting better kiniko thought to herself forcing her self to sense gin spirtual pressure she finally found him. "Gin!!" kiniko yelled making sure that the gin infront of her was real.
    Gin Ichimaru
    Gin Ichimaru
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 3 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Gin Ichimaru Thu Jan 28, 2010 3:20 am

    Gin started freaking out about what happened. He dose not know what is going down!

    Gin ducked and flash steped adn pulled out shinsu in the air.

    "Kiniko, let me use shinsu on Kazuma...I see his ribon...please!" said Gin
    Kiniko Hinamori
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 3 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Kiniko Hinamori Thu Jan 28, 2010 3:49 am

    Kiniko grabbed gin's shoulder and spun him around making him look her in her now black eyes, "Put that damn pice of metal away, and don't pull it out again got me?" Kiniko said letting acid into her voice. She usually hit gin with criticsism but in a playful way she never talked to him as she had just now. With one last glare she jumpped away leaving gin in the swirling illusions and overpowering sent of flowers.

    Last edited by Kiniko Hinamori on Thu Jan 28, 2010 3:59 am; edited 1 time in total
    Gin Ichimaru
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 3 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Gin Ichimaru Thu Jan 28, 2010 3:57 am

    "Yes captin." said Gin

    Gin put away shinsu and lowered himself to the ground. Gin was unsertain that Kiniko was fine being around Kazuma.
    Kazuma Hinamori
    Kazuma Hinamori
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 3 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Kazuma Hinamori Thu Jan 28, 2010 4:01 am

    The King of rouges continued to spin in a swarm of flowers, doing a greatly heavanly dance. The petals showing the colors, and the deadly opium following its scent. one whiff of it and you would go hallucinating.
    In the air, a childish laugh pierced the sorm, but no body to house it. It was too fun, watching as they all struggled to escape the air around them. He was soon right into Kiniko's ear, remember how I loved to play like this until the day i died Kiniko? . He asked with a voice of sorrow no one but kiniko would here. He would make her plead forgivness. And everything would be back to normal. After he slaughtered her dear friends. Like the damned life was slaughtered.

    Out of the petals, he made clones of each of them, all being rather spread out. So once their friends would think they were them, it would attack. But a little extra, he added a clone of himself, filled with the opium flower, and would explode after running towards them. He needed them to be spread out, and very hard to find eachother.

    His Zanpokto produced more and more flowers until the entire diameter of a kilometer was covered, completely usless to look through, only able to find the faintest of spiritual pressure tracings.

    The childish and tormenting laughter filled the entire storm, piercing the ears of all who heard it. "This is how we play my game! Kiniko!"

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