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Now There's War, Within Us, We Shall Win Together

5 posters

    friendly spar between two friends

    Gin Ichimaru
    Gin Ichimaru
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 4 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Gin Ichimaru Thu Jan 28, 2010 4:05 am

    "Shit! not agian!" said Gin whom covered his ears as he saw Kazuma dance.

    "God Damnit Kiniko! Let me show Kazuma who he is messing with...if you say no one more'll DIE!" Comanded Gin
    Kiniko Hinamori
    Kiniko Hinamori
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 4 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Kiniko Hinamori Thu Jan 28, 2010 4:36 am

    "ill make you play by my rules" kiniko said to the ominous voice that rang out. she heard gin and turned around flash stepping behind him she performed Retsu osore on him "Gin this is for your own good stand down" kiniko said a pleading tone could be heard behind the voice of a killer. She took shinsu from gin and put its sheath around her waist. Kiniko gave gin a sad smile her eyes glinting from black to a brillant green "Im sorry" she said before disapeering once again her eyes fading back to black she headed for the source of the illusion.
    Gin Ichimaru
    Gin Ichimaru
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 4 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Gin Ichimaru Thu Jan 28, 2010 4:40 am

    "Damn it Kiniko!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Said Gin

    Gin lowered his body and sat on the near by bench. "This is not my fight no more..... sorry Shinsu, i failed you.....once again. Sorry." said Gin as he looked up and finally opened his eyes. He sttared at the sky then down at Kiniko. Gin was mad. Gin was so mad he was considering taking the knife he carries and slicing Kiniko's throught. He didnt because he deserved to lose his privlage. Gin....has lost another this rouge.
    Yuna Ichimaru
    Yuna Ichimaru
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 4 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Yuna Ichimaru Thu Jan 28, 2010 5:03 am

    Yuna's eyes scanned over the battle feild, before slipping through the trees, running from the scene without anyone noticing.
    'I guess it's time...' Yuna thought to herself, wearing a frown on her lips as she neared the edge of the forest. She took a deep breath, feeling it was safe to breathe.
    Wasteing no time, Yuna ran to her house, quickly going up into her room and grabbing a small bag from underneath her bed that was already packed. From the bag, she took out a note and placed it on her bed, before grabbing her money and walking out of her house. Yuna let the wind blow against her face, cooling it down. In her hand she clutched a photo of her mom, the person she was doing this for. When Yuna's mother was slaughtered, the seiretai did nothing to kill the assasin, so, being old and strong enough;
    Yuna was going to run away, and become rouge as she would hunt down her mothers killer. Yuna was aware that once she was rouge, her colleges might have to be sent to kill her, maybe even ichisake or kiniko, or maybe even to her dismay gin. YUna shook her head slowly, dissapeering into the forest.

    ((sorry it took so long))
    Kazuma Hinamori
    Kazuma Hinamori
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 4 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Kazuma Hinamori Thu Jan 28, 2010 10:34 pm

    The king of Rouges, now in this form where no one could see, sent out a clone of kiniko towards Gin.

    Clone: "Gin! You have got to help!" she said.


    He laughed childishly through the storm, and cleared an area, so he and his siter would be able to fight, however, sensing Kiniko's presense, he sent more opium flowers near her, she would breathe the flowers and hallucinate. At last, he could take his sister home.
    He whispered into her ear, "My game has no rulesss...."

    ((sorry for the short post.))
    Ichisake izumi
    Ichisake izumi
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 4 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Ichisake izumi Fri Jan 29, 2010 4:04 am

    Ichisake hoped that wherever Yuna was going that she would be safe..then suddenly, she sensed something wrong with the spiritual pressure of "Kiniko" who was running towards Gin.....suddenly she heard a voice in her mind, it was Relámpago, the wolf spirit of her Zanpacktou. She dropped to her knees and clutched her head in pain remembering the presence that invaded her mind.This wasn't the first time she heard the strong,feminine voice in her head, it was mostly unpleasant, because Relámpago could take over her body if she needed the extra power or if she needed to be warned of danger that her own senses alone couldn't detect. Relámpago: "Ichisake, don't let your eyes be deceived, that isn't Kiniko...but an illusion, look for Kazuma's weakness, in the meantime don't hesitate to rid Gin of that annoying impostor, you know you can't do this alone...let me take over at least until this fight has ended." Ichisake's eyes flashed red, she scowled and then suddenly jumped into the sky so she can talk without illusions."no! dont you remember the last time you took over?!" She yelled, causing lightning to flash then paused,trying to control her anger. She took another deep breath and her eyes went back to being gold.Relámpago: Child, don't forget...i am apart of you.....i've been apart of you since birth." Ichisake's eyes widened,"what...what are you talking about?!" she questioned curiously.Relámpago: " that doesn't matter now......go fight! save your friends...and if you need back up use Bankai and join us together as one...and if you don't i'll take over you and finish this myself!" Ichisake sighed and rolled her eyes," but i'm not using you unless i need to!" With this, Ichisake flash stepped and landed next to Gin appearing right in front of the illusion. Ichisake smirked,"ha ha very impostor of kiniko VERY creative Kazuma." she snickered letting kiniko kick her brother's ass and if she needed backup she'll go to tend her aid.but for now Gin needed help.She grabbed him and took him up into the sky for fresh air,"Gin, Don't believe in that bullshit that callls herself kiniko, That's the work of Kazuma." She simply stated to him then she added,"I don't know where Kiniko is..but if she needs my help i will find her but for know lets try to shatter Kazuma's illusions...lets find those damn pillars."
    Kazuma Hinamori
    Kazuma Hinamori
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 4 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Kazuma Hinamori Fri Jan 29, 2010 4:45 am

    ((OOC: guys, sorry, but you are hallucinating, if you haven't figured it out. I used bankai and there is a drug in the air around you, no escaping it, unless you find your way through the strom.....))

    The King of Rouges saw as they all hallucinated, each and every one of them putting themselves into their own little world. However, this woud promise their death, only one person stood a chance, Kiniko, not Ichisake, her wolf would not be able to find its way through its own ignorant mind. "Fools! only one of you can stop me! all of you can guess."

    A sudden dark voice, the one of that of his inner hollow.
    [color:9cd7=dark blue]" do not even know your zanpoktou.....and its full power". The voice sounded chafed and metallic, it pierced his ears, causing Kazuma a great deal of pain. Oh well. The King of Rouges would simply get on with a battle that was meant to be.

    He made a storm of flower petals filled with opium seeds around Gin and Ichisake, spiritual pressure was all but noticeable (for you newbs i'll spell it out... you cant sense pressure). Until there was an eye in the new center, the new center was where Kiniko was. And out of the flowers, Kazuma's usual, physical body returned into Kiniko's view, "My sister, let me see your right palm, for today, if there is no mark....I shall make one, that shall bond us forever. Now my dear sister, feel my true power," he said. As he lifted his zanpoktou in the air and poured some reshi out, not noticeable by the others at this point. "This is what happens, to those whom limit theirselves to weaklings."
    Gin Ichimaru
    Gin Ichimaru
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 4 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Gin Ichimaru Fri Jan 29, 2010 5:16 am

    Gin got off the bench and flash steped towrds Kiniko. Gin grabbed Shinsu and flashed stepded away.

    When Gin got away fro kiniko....the thing he thought would never happen spoke to him.Gins inner hallow....Shinsu. Shinsu is truely a hallow spirit trapped in Gin and its sword self. 'Gin....whats wrong....your being a boy scout. Its time for me to rule this fight!'. Said Gins hallow Shinsu. Gin feel to the ground!Clutching on to shinsu's sword body.

    Inormas spirit pressure rose from benethe Gin. Gin let all of his spirit energy out. Gin looked up to every one. Shinsu' first hallow stage mask has appered! This hallow had lines comming from its squinted eyes and was on fire at the top. The hallow mask had a big grin in its face.

    "Gin isnt here right now. But he has somthing to say and so do i. Gin is fighting e inside of this body right now as we speak! Gin hasnt truely shown my power. Gin has more spirit pressure than me. But nobody has seen banki. Gin and e are leaving the soul society and killing anyone who will stop us. Gin and i will be the first arrancar rouge. hahhahahaha." said Shinsu.

    The mask faded into a uper left half face hallow mask. You could see Gin. Shinsu got its caseing back and Gin said,"Sorry, but Shinssu is right. And if anyone wants to stop me....they...will....Die."
    Ichisake izumi
    Ichisake izumi
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 4 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Ichisake izumi Sat Jan 30, 2010 4:16 am

    Ichisake trembled in anger suddenly, Relámpago's voice came again,"its time...." Ichisake unwillingly screamed,"BANKAI!!!!!!!" trembled and she fell to her knees in pain,lightning errupted around her consuming her while a hurricane swirled 100 miles distance. her skin and hair became light silver,her teeth began to sharpen themselves,she grasped her head and snarled viciously then..she was paralyzed on the ground...slowly her raised her head and flashed open her now blood red eyes.she smiled wickedly,and snickered in a raspy yet feminine voice, and pointed at Kazuma."I am Relámpago!!!!!!!!!!!! crossed the line..and you will perish!"She got in a crouching position, and snarled as her hallucinations danced before her eyes,she smirked. .She then closed her eyes and sensed where Kazuma was,She smiled,"found ya." she thought to herself,then she focused her energy so she may enter deep in the illusion,she wondered for a while facing her greatest fears,ichisake who was trapped inside,trembled but the outside of her body showed no fear at all,only determination until finally she found the pillars, Suddenly she jumped 100 feet in the air and brought her fist down on one pillar,then repeated the process with the others until no pillars where left standing.Ichisake/Relámpago then opened her eyes.Waiting impatiently to see the results.Ichisake/Relámpago then smiled and said,"Gin Ichimaru and Kiniko...if you can hear me...guard yourselves." she then pounded the ground causing a shock wave to travel along the ground then electrified the air.

    (OCC: Kazuma you can't change this into illusions and this is the ground and the air you breathe so no escaping! unless you can make a REAL shield not another crappy illusion.)
    Kiniko Hinamori
    Kiniko Hinamori
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 4 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Kiniko Hinamori Sat Jan 30, 2010 7:04 am

    ((GINNNNNNNNNN!!!!! that kiniko was an illusion so i still have shinsu.....))

    Kiniko watched as two of her favorite people subcame to the insanity of their inner hollows "G-gin Kazu-zuma" was all kiniko could mutter. It was hard for kiniko to breath under such high spirtual pressure kiniko fell to her knees feeling something poke her leg she looked down and saw shinsu. Kiniko didn't know why but that dammed pice of metal gave her the courage to standup unsheath her sword and call forth her bankai. "B-bankai!!!!" kiniko yelled as her sword turned into her fans breathing, standing, even movement became easier. Kiniko walked easily towards her brother aiming her fans towards the small yet extremly dangerous threat she stepped forward. "You know that theese drugs won't easily effect me kazu-chan" kiniko said using the old nickname that she used to call him by.
    Kazuma Hinamori
    Kazuma Hinamori
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 4 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Kazuma Hinamori Sat Jan 30, 2010 5:13 pm

    The King of Rouges stared at her.
    She had the same features as him, yet she was a stranger.
    She held her zanpoktou the same way he did, yet she was still a stranger.
    Her hair, her eyes, matched his, though she was a stranger.
    She stood like him, and used similar abilities.
    But little Kazuma no longer knew his sister.

    He stood there, staring blankly at kiniko's bankai. It seemed like his, though the flashes of red were beautiful, he could only understand his flowers, his only comfort was the thought that his own sister may join him, and if she did not, he would haunt her in her dreams, come to her in visions, and perhaps in the Hinamori clans sacred mark.

    We have been fighting for a while. But it seems we have not crossed blades yet my sister.

    [post larger por favor]
    Gin Ichimaru
    Gin Ichimaru
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 4 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Gin Ichimaru Sat Jan 30, 2010 6:42 pm

    Shinsu and Gin saw shinsu's blade body disipear in the air. " Hahahaha! Im sorry but this fight shall end! You should watch out becuase shinsu wants to fight!" said Gin saw the hallow mask go to a corner peacie of Gin's face to his whole face! Then to large bony objects come from Gins back! Then his elbows but they were much smaller. Shinsu was in commaned now. Shinsu looked up and looked around for the real Kiniko. He saw her in was her. He flash steped to her and shinsu punched her in her stomach. Then when shinsu jumped back alittle he pulled up her chin with his fingure and held up the blade shinsu and caseing.

    Sudenly Shinsu flash steped towrds Ichisake and punched her square in her face! Shinsu started lauging because he drue blood!
    Ichisake izumi
    Ichisake izumi
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 4 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Ichisake izumi Sun Jan 31, 2010 2:19 am

    Ichisake/Relámpago smiled and grabbed Gin/Shinsu's fist,having 50x the strength he might as well have thrown a grain of sand at her for all the effect it had on her.She grabbed his fist and jerked it slightly in a painful angle, grabbed his neck with the other hand, letting his arm go, shethen hoisted him up 2 feet above the ground and squeezed his neck lightly, pressing the pressure point in his neck with her thumb carefully, then she frowned."Don't be stupid, i'm not the enemy here." then she listened and heard Kazuma's voice.She grinned,"found him, he's surrounded in some illusion storm,try and help me find it, and if you try punch me again,i will snap your arm off! understand?" she said in a cold yet sweetly kind voice.Then,while still holding him by the neck she marched off towards the voices that she heard,she felt around for the biggest tree with her free hand,She smiled and ripped it out by the roots as if it was nothing more then a baseball bat.She frowned and noticed a small ripple in the illusion,she then threw Gin/Shinsu down into the ground and dug her heel into the small of his back,enough to easily pin him down to the ground"Okay here's the game plan,raise your sword straight ahead,and if you try to attack me i'll snap your spine!" She promised him."Do you understand?" She asked getting more pissed off as usual which caused a bit of static electricity to run through her foot and into his back enough to keep him under control.

    ((OCC: ichisake meant no physical harm against Gin ichimaru in the making of this was Relámpago's fault lol))
    Gin Ichimaru
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 4 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Gin Ichimaru Sun Jan 31, 2010 2:34 am

    AS Gin was being held in the air. He smled and said. "Little girl....shinsu hasnt begun to fight...he wanted you to do somthing. Shinsu just analyzed your bone and muscule structure on how you move.....hahahahaha."said Gin. Then all of a sudden another pair of spikes came out of gins back. Shinsu twisted himself and kicked Ichisake with half of his strangth. Then as he landed on the floor he flash steped 2 yards away from her and said"Tsk tsk tsk Ichisake. Dont you know hallows are bone. No pressure points are there.....hhahahahahahah." said Shinsu
    Kiniko Hinamori
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 4 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Kiniko Hinamori Sun Jan 31, 2010 4:29 am

    Wiping blood off of her mouth kiniko stared at gin through the corner of her eye. Dammit kiniko thought to herself Gin take controll over your body kick shinsu out kiniko pleaded silently. Finally kiniko couldn't take it anymore. Turning away from her brother she started towards Gin "Gin don't let that thing eat your soul!! you can beat him!", Kiniko called out desparate to reach the person that was usually a hinderance to kiniko but now was of vital importance.
    Kazuma Hinamori
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 4 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Kazuma Hinamori Sun Jan 31, 2010 5:45 am

    As Gins hollow attacked Kiniko....Kazuma fell to his knees, he could not watch his siter be hit by that beast.
    He got up, and yelled, "Hey You! Pick on someone your own size Bitch!!!!!" . Aiming his thumb towards himself. A small tear came, as he saw his dear sisters blood, his blood.
    He couldn't stand seeing his sister be hurt like that. Not after all the hard work he put into. He was nearly exhausted, only good for two fights through crossblades.

    He swiped his zanpokto across the air, and began to twirl it in mid air, summoning a bunch of apple blossoms, and he swarmed them around gins Hollow, cutting and tearing away skin.

    Kazuma would not just stand there and let kiniko be hurt, it was his job to rid her from himself.
    Ichisake izumi
    Ichisake izumi
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 4 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Ichisake izumi Sun Jan 31, 2010 11:25 pm

    Ichisake/Relámpago blinked,as Gin kicked her,though it didn't cause any effect,Relámpago became even more pissed off,blocking of ichisake who was still trapped and had little control over her body.She smirked cruelly,"The names Relámpago....ichisake is no longer in the moment, i'll give her back when i'm done." She said in a strong cruel tone that sounded nothing at all like Ichisake's somewhat kind,reasonable tone she used with friends.Then she flipped 100 feet in the air,and quickly brought her foot down on Gin/shinsu's head, smashing him into the ground.Literally,into the ground enough to leave his head popping out of the ground. Ichisake/Relámpago disappeared 300 miles back then faster then the lightning she controlled,came flying back,swung her leg, and gave a kick that wasn't even close to her true strength but it was enough to send him flying 100 feet back as if he was a football.She then scooped him up with one arm and dragged him across the field towards the illusion storm,she then hurled him towards Kiniko lightly enough for him to go flying. But just as it was about to hit kiniko she snapped her fingers and summoned a wind to stop him in mid flight just an inch away from kiniko's arms.Ichisake/Relámpago's mischievous,yet somewhat evil dark red eyes stared at Kiniko. "Here....hold him will ya?" She told her smirking, She flicked her wrist twirling the 300 foot tall oak tree she carried in her right hand,she then walked towards Kazuma's voice she heard earlier.she turned her head slightly towards Kiniko,"Oh and by the way...if the weakling your holding is too's some physical cover."She then snapped her fingers again letting a light,yet strong layer of electricity run over kiniko's skin which is enough to keep Gin/Shinsu from wounding her, she then grinned coldly showing her slightly pointed teeth,then disappeared.Showing up supposedly next to Kazuma she heard his breathing and she sensed that the spiritual pressure was his.She opened her eyes only seeing nothing but illusion but her hearing and the strong spiritual pressure that gave his identity away told her otherwise."Don't be an ass Kazuma,like i would allow a weakling to hurt your sister...after all ichisake wouldn't allow it either." She smirked and added,"Though ichisake isn't in control at the moment...i might as well take advantage of the moment...though since your strength is nothing but one of an infants i'll give you a warning....leave now and you won't get drop kicked back to wherever the hell you came from is that clear?" She smiled and waited for something else to happen.
    Gin Ichimaru
    Gin Ichimaru
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 4 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Gin Ichimaru Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:14 pm

    After shinsy got beet up alittle bit. he got upand clearly said" leaving now. This fight no longer concerns me. You guys can do as you wish. Fallow me and you...will have no mercy brought upon you." said Shinsu as his mask was fading away and Gins voice started to apper. The Gin flash stepe and was no longer near anyone who has there.
    Yuna Ichimaru
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    Post  Yuna Ichimaru Sat Feb 20, 2010 1:33 am

    Yuna felt kinda've guilty for leaving the fight. And she had trouble thinking straight because of the poisoness gas she barely brathed in. She wouldnt die but she would probably be hallutionating for a while. Yuna checked into a motel a few hours later, making the mistake of using her real name. She didnt care about that for the moment. "Ichimaru, wheres your husband?..." The clerk had answered. Yuna gave no reply, just grabbed the key to the motel room, geve the clerk money, and walked away.

    ((Didnt this kinda turn into a real fight?))
    Ichisake izumi
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    friendly spar between two friends - Page 4 Empty Re: friendly spar between two friends

    Post  Ichisake izumi Sat Feb 20, 2010 3:55 am

    Ichisake/Rempalgo blinked as Gin walked away. Ichisake from deep inside took back control,Rempalgo protested yet ichisake ignored her.Flash stepped back to Kiniko's side, and helped her up,"Kazuma.....the fight is over...Gin and Yuna are gone and kiniko is in no position for battle..i'm leaving as well and taking kiniko with me to get some rest." Ichisake picks up Kiniko and flash steps far away from the battle field before he could respond....

    ((exited until someone else responds))
    Kazuma Hinamori
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    Post  Kazuma Hinamori Sat Feb 27, 2010 4:17 pm

    Kazuma watched as Ichisake, the weakling little girl came to take his sister. It would simply not do. As she flash stepped away. Kazuma made a wall of spiritual pressure in her way. Ichisake and Kiniko were trapped in the asylium of petals. "No you don't weakling." Kazuma said. Suddenly. A wretch came from Kazuma's stomach. Kneeling on his knees, and coughing out blood.
    When the yound boy looked up, his eyes were dark with little gold eyes in the middle. Smiling madly, The hollow looked at Ichisake with full hate. And sped right towards the two women. His zanpokto was engulfed with spiritual pressure.

    "Your not going to live through this Ichisake! Kiniko!" The hollow screeched. Nothing was going to get in his way. He slashed at Ichisake, releasing the massive amounts of his spiritual pressure from his zan onto her. "Die!"
    Ichisake izumi
    Ichisake izumi
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    Post  Ichisake izumi Sun Feb 28, 2010 2:37 am

    Ichisake didn't say a word, instead she simply side stepped then channeled her spiritual power into her free fist,then ran at full speed,it was so fast that the only thing that could be seen was just a blur of blue light. Ichisake then shot up 200 feet into the air and ran through the sky. realizing she was trapped ichisake sighed in boredom then came flying back down to the ground smashing her fist to the ground causing a decent yet temporary earthquake. She Turned towards Kazuma's inner hollow and smirked,"Calm don't really wanna harm your sister do you?" her eyes flashed red then back to yellow."And i don't think it'll be a wise choice to make me angry..what if Relámpago takes over? your sister might not survive..and neither will you....and i am not weak! allow me to demonstrate why I am the Captain of the Kido Corps!" She added in a cold voice then smirked. She Flash stepped behind him,pressed her palm to his back and said,"Scattered Bones of beasts, spire, vermillion crystal, Steel wheel, If ‘tis moving its wind, If ‘tis still its sky, the tone of clanging spears fills the empty castle! Hado #90 Kurohitsugi!" as she casted the black coffin spell She then switched kiniko to her other arm and raised her other palm," Bakudo#99 Kin and Bakudo#99 Bankin!!" using the binding spell part 1 and 2 to contain him. She then faced the spiritual wall,"Hadou#73 Soren Sokhatsui!"
    shattering the spiritual wall and hoping to have affect on the petals.

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